Cultures, enzymes, yeast

How do consumers understand 'gut health'? Image Source: Getty Images/RealPeopleGroup

How do consumers perceive ‘gut health’ products?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Products targeting ‘gut health’ have a range of benefits, yet these are not always clear in marketing. How do consumers understand gut health, and is this understanding congruent with reality?

Source: E. Crawford

Summer Fancy Food Show

Functional beverages must balance consumer, environmental benefits with price

By Elizabeth Crawford

The functional beverage category is growing at a rapid clip as consumers look for fast, easy ways to support their on-the-go lifestyles and their health, but not all ingredients, products and platforms are created equally and the segment faces significant...

© кирилл поляшенко / Getty Images

Next-gen probiotic gets FDA no objection GRAS

By Stephen Daniells

Netherlands-based Caelus Health has received a letter of no objection from the US FDA regarding the GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status for a next-generation microbe.

Researchers are exploring the utilization of corn husk waste for value-added end applications. Image: Getty/Matauw

The researchers brewing lipids to transform waste into food

By Oliver Morrison

Researchers say they are using ancient technology to turn agricultural waste into fats. They say the approach could help the sustainable protein industry recreate the flavours of meat and has the potential to replace palm oil or other tropical oils.