Everyone has suffered, says Smucker…
Jam and peanut butter giant JM Smucker also revealed plans for a raft of new products in 2012/13, but admitted life remained challenging in the US packaged grocery sector…
JM Smucker CEO: ‘Everyone has suffered…but no one is giving up on the center of the store’
There was also investment from chocolate manufacturer Barry Callebaut...
Barry Callebaut ups capacity 60,000 tonnes in North America
And Cargill: Cargill makes sweet, specialist baking expansion with Oregon site
…Plus deals from Ralcorp, FMC Corporation and J&J Snackfoods.
Ralcorp completes acquisition of Italian pasta company
FMC Corporation acquires UK-based natural colors company
J & J Snack Foods snaps up small ‘prestigious’ pretzel firm