Appealing to Millennials: Nutrition counseling in 140 characters?
Finally, we headed to a session on Millennials with Marianne Smith Edge, MS, RD, LD, FADA, SVP for nutrition and food safety at the International Food Information Council; and Connie Diekman, MEd, RD, LD, FADA, director of university nutrition at Washington University in St. Louis. We learned that:
- Millennials (born after 1981) account for 27% of the US population, and 20% are Hispanic.
- They are early adopters, but want food their way. It has to be customized.
- They check their cellphones 43 times a day, and 52% prefer texting to talking on the phone.
- Around 90% are on Facebook, and 42% log on daily.
- They leave home later than other generations.
- They trust friends' recommendations for purchases more than they trust big brands, institutions, the government etc.
Click HERE for more facts and figures on Millennials from IFIC.
Click HERE to see part one of our FNCE gallery of highlights.