Trimona Bulgarian yogurt brand debuts superfood line at Whole Foods
Adaptogens such as turmeric and maca also feature in a new line of organic yogurts from Trimona debuting in Whole Foods' Mid-Atlantic region. The yogurt is made with grassfed whole milk and includes the probiotic strain L. bulgaricus GLB44.
Trimona Bulgarian yogurt is not strained like Greek yogurt (the whey stays in), and has a lighter, but creamier texture, says founder Atanas Valev.
Made with Valev’s custom-selected live cultures (which he carried in his suitcase from Bulgaria in jars when he arrived in the US in the 1990s), Trimona contains no milk powders, thickeners or added sugar, has a lower pH (3.4-3.5 vs 4.0-4.9) than many other yogurts, and a ‘tangy’ taste, says Valev, an agricultural engineer and yogurt enthusiast convinced that there is life beyond Greek in the yogurt aisle.