Food And Drink

Food Vision 2014: In pictures

Food Vision 2014: In pictures

By Nathan Gray

The Food Vision event in Cannes brought together global food and drink industry leaders to tackle some of the biggest issues and key topics directly affecting the future of the industry and the profitability of businesseses. FoodNavigator and the Food...

Food scientists need to build bridges with consumers, delegates at the Food Vision Conference heard

Food Vision

Celebrity chefs needed to sell food science to consumers

By Rick Pendrous

Food firms must woo celebrity chefs and other ‘foodies’ more to help consumers understand the industry’s use of science, including biotechnology and nanotechnology, experts from the sector have argued.

Larger portions decrease liking of food: study

Larger portions decrease liking of food: study

By Maggie Hennessy

Not only do larger portions lead consumers to like the food they are eating less, they also reduce how often people consume those foods, according to the authors of a recent Carnegie Mellon University study.


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