Local Food

Bright Farms takes local produce model nationwide with hydroponics

Bright Farms takes local produce model nationwide with hydroponics

By Mary Ellen Shoup

It wasn’t too long ago when locally-grown produce evoked images of backyard gardens or roadside produce stands many miles outside of city limits. Now, the local produce movement has morphed into an urban-centered industry thanks to the rise of hydroponic...

Soup-To-Nuts: The evolution of local food to do-it-yourself options

Soup-To-Nuts Podcast

Soup-To-Nuts Podcast: The evolution of local food to do-it-yourself options

By Elizabeth Crawford

Consumer demand for local food and beverages is no longer a niche market – rather it is fully mainstream. But an outgrowth of this trend that is just starting to peek over the horizon is a “do-it-yourself” food and beverage movement, according to market...

BASF talk on the future of food and agriculture

Insights from the BASF 2014 Media Summit

Connecting the dots from ag to food

By Maggie Hennessy

Is the farm-to-table movement all it’s cracked up to be? Is a healthy dialogue about GMOs even possible? Can we fix growing income disparities in the developed world? A group representing many points on the agribusiness value chain weighed in.

Local food demand growing faster than infrastructure, USDA finds

Local food demand growing faster than infrastructure, USDA finds

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Local food infrastructure needs to deepen to ensure production can grow in line with consumer demand, which may be greater than previously thought, according to a new report from the USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS).

Local and organic logos influence women more than men, study suggests

Local and organic logos influence women more than men, study suggests

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Local and organic certification labels may increase the likelihood that women will purchase a product, as well as their willingness to pay a premium – but men are less likely to be influenced by logos, according to a study published in HortScience.

Focus on food waste for future food security, says Worldwatch

Special Edition: Food in the Future

Focus on food waste for future food security, says Worldwatch

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Waste prevention strategies and promoting self-sufficiency could be key to feeding the world’s fast-growing population, according to a new report from the Worldwatch Institute.

Exploring local flavors for the food industry

Exploring local flavors for the food industry

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Americans are becoming increasingly interested in the food that's prepared in their own neighborhood - and as their palates become more sophisticated, flavor companies are responding with authentically local flavors.


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