Startups & Entrepreneurs

All Things Bugs unveils new GrioPro cricket protein brand

All Things Bugs unveils new GrioPro cricket protein brand

By Elaine Watson

Edible insect expert All Things Bugs has unveiled a new brand name for its cricket powder: GrioPro (based on grillo – Spanish for cricket; and Pro for protein), which it claims opens up a broader variety of application opportunities for food & beverage...

Source: E. Crawford

Food, bev & ag startups talk sustainability at FoodBytes! Brooklyn

By Elizabeth Crawford

Rising food, beverage and agriculture start-ups joined leading retailers, investors and celebrity chefs at Rabobank North America Wholesale's FoodBytes! Brooklyn pitch-slam March 3 to discuss advancing food culture, sustainability and farming. 

Artizone business model was viable, but money ran out, says founder

Artizone business model was viable, but the money ran out, says founder

By Elaine Watson

“We have delivered food from the best shops, farms and artisans. It was a wonderful journey, and while we learned a lot from it, it has come to its end,” says a message on the homepage of online delivery service Artizone, which closed its doors on February...

Is ‘raw’ still a hot trend in food marketing?

Sprouted watermelon seeds fuel a novel range of protein bars from Go Raw

Is ‘raw’ still a hot trend in food marketing?

By Elaine Watson

Is ‘raw’ still a hot trend in food marketing, or is the lack of clarity over what it means diluting its value? A pioneer in the raw foods movement, Go Raw founder Rob Freeland says he is less hung up on semantics these days, and more concerned about making...

Source: Crush Cubes

Crush Cubes offer fresh flavors & convenience in frozen aisle

By Elizabeth Crawford

Fresh ingredients may be the must-have foods of the moment, but they also often require time-consuming prep and can lead to food waste when they come in amounts far exceeding those called for in recipes.Thirty-year food industry veteran Jon Startz has...

Nomva raises $3m to fuel its probiotic fruit pouch ambitions

Nomva raises $3m to fuel its probiotic fruit pouch ambitions

By Elaine Watson

Phenomenal Foods – the Los Angeles-based start-up behind probiotic-fueled organic fruit & veggie snack brand Nomva – has raised $3m in a series A fundraising round to help it take its HPP-treated pouches to a broader audience.

The tigernut... the superfood hiding its light under a bushel? Picture: Organic Gemini

Move over chia, tiger nuts are the next superfood, says Organic Gemini

By Elaine Watson

If you’ve tried horchata in the US, it’s most likely inspired by Mexican recipes, which typically use rice milk as a base, coupled with cinnamon, vanilla, and sugar – and sometimes some almond or dairy milk. Tasty? Yes. Nutritional dynamite? Not really. 

LeanBox: We want to change the way the American workforce eats

LeanBox: We want to change the way the American workforce eats

By Elaine Watson

Ask most people what ‘healthy vending’ is, and they will probably imagine a vending machine that has replaced candy with protein bars – but is still basically a snack machine. LeanBox, by contrast, is more like a smart fridge in the office breakroom packed...

2016 Beverage Innovation summit: Have you registered yet?

2016 Beverage Innovation summit: Have you registered yet?

Diet soda sales plummet further, but what's taking their place?

By Elaine Watson

Bottled water, sparkling flavored water, energy and sports drinks, and ready-to-drink coffee have all made strong gains in the New Year as shoppers have continued to spurn carbonated soft drinks – particularly the diet variety - according to Nielsen data...

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