
Shrinkflation-weary consumers turn to private label

Shrinkflation-weary consumers turn to private label

By Ryan Daily

Raising prices while simultaneously shrinking products to offset higher inflation could cost brands more in the long term, suggests a new survey from YouGov that found consumers turned off by shrinkflation are turning to private label.

Source: E. Crawford

Natural Products Expo West

Dip, savory spread sales surge as consumers shake off pandemic era restrictions

By Elizabeth Crawford

Once reserved for special occasions and parties, dips are breaking out as an everyday snack – and in some cases meal – to emerge as a fast-growing category driven by pandemic-fatigue, consumer interest in global flavors and an enviable family-friendly...

Source: Getty/Sefa Ozel

What is behind rising food prices and when will they come back down?

By Deniz Ataman

Rapidly rising food prices are expected to slow in 2023 after supply chain challenges, geo-political strife, climate change and agricultural policy changes contributed to record inflation in 2022 and prompted government action, according to federal agencies....

Source: Justin Howe

Natural Products Expo West

Simple Mills is creating market demand for biodiverse crops, pushing for equity

By Elizabeth Crawford

Better for you snack brand Simple Mills is taking is mission and products beyond its initial “free from” roots to embrace a “for more” approach that not only skips artificial ingredients that consumers are avoiding but gives them more of what they want...

Will hemp seeds sprout into the next big super food?

Natural Products Expo West

Will hemp seeds sprout into the next big super seed?

By Ryan Daily

Nutrient dense and versitile hemp seeds might be the next ingredient to shake up the super seed space, long-dominated by chia and flax, according to a panel of experts and trendspotters at Natural Products Expo West last week.

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