
Ted Nixon, CEO, DDW (D.D. Williamson) on natural colors

Big interview: Ted Nixon, chairman and CEO, DDWilliamson

DDW: We could be as big in natural colors as we are in caramel colors in 5-10 years

By Elaine Watson

Founded in 1865 - the year Lincoln was assassinated - DDW has been in the food colors business for an astonishing 148 years. But there’s no room for complacency, CEO Ted Nixon tells Elaine Watson during a visit to the firm’s HQ in Louisville, KY.

Where do your products sit in the clean label hierarchy?

Natural & Clean Label Trends 2013

Where do your products sit in the clean label hierarchy?

By Elaine WATSON

If it sounds like a ‘chemical’, or isn’t in the kitchen cupboard, shoppers may regard it with suspicion. But which ingredients are 'acceptable' to today's consumers, which are to be avoided, and who decides? 

Clif Bar CEO: 'The protein trend is hot for men and women'

Big interview: Kevin Cleary, CEO Clif Bar & Company

Clif Bar CEO: 'The protein trend is hot for men and women right now'

By Elaine WATSON

Nutrition bars enter - and exit - the snacks aisle at the speed of light these days. So how has Clif Bar managed to sustain the kind of growth rivals can only dream of, year after year? Elaine Watson caught up with CEO Kevin Cleary to find out.

Study unlocks benefits of walnut for heart health

Study unlocks benefits of walnut for heart health

By Stephen Daniells

The heart health benefits of walnuts may be linked to different parts of the nuts acting on different physiological functions, says new data in the Journal of Nutrition.

New owners need to move quickly or risk being 'out of sight, out of mind' says Hudak


Hostess sales tot up $860m

By Kacey Culliney

Hostess Brands has closed all asset sales and pulled in $860m; a figure a little less than the worth of the company but expected given the speed of the sell-offs, an analyst says.

Will the Zombie Food Bar succeed where others have failed?

60 second interview: Dr Michael Wald, Director of Nutritional Services, Integrated Medicine of Mount Kisco, NY

‘Tastes better than brains…’ But will the Zombie Food Bar succeed where others have failed?

By Elaine WATSON

TV’s ‘blood detective’ and zombie fan Dr Michael B. Wald has combined his interest in nutrition and er, zombies, to develop the Zombie Food Bar. But does it have what it takes to stand out in an increasingly crowded market? Elaine Watson caught up with...

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