Sweeteners (intense, bulk, polyols)

Source: Chamberlain Coffee

Chamberlain Coffee continues RTD expansion, launches Oatmilk Lattes

By Deniz Ataman

The Gen Z-oriented coffee brand Chamberlain Coffee released Salted Caramel and Mocha oatmilk lattes last month to “appeal to those that like a sweeter coffee and prefer oats as their top choice of milk,” Christopher Gallant, CEO, told FoodNavigator-USA.


From AI flavors to RTD alcohol: Coca-Cola talks innovation

By Rachel Arthur

Once a soda giant, Coca-Cola has evolved its portfolio into categories that would once have been unimaginable for company (take, for example, RTD alcohol or AI-generated flavors). So how does the company steer its innovation efforts towards success?

A range of fruits can be used as the basis for sweeteners. Image Source: John Wang/Getty Images

Health and taste from fruit-based sweeteners

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Fruit has been used for sweetness in Europe since before we even knew about refined sugar. It’s still in widespread use as the basis for sweeteners.

Image source: Getty/Shannon Toth

How newstalgia blends comfort and novelty in the snack category

By Deniz Ataman

Consumers still crave familiar flavors and experiences, as they did during the pandemic, but they also are open to new innovations and technologies -- leading to an emerging trend of 'newstalgia,' Kevin Ryan, CEO, Malachite Strategy and Research,...

Image Source: RichVintage/Getty Images

NPD Trend Tracker: From wholegrain spelt to Christmas dinner pie

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

In this week’s NPD Trend Tracker, we have a range of festive products, including a festive wrap, festive ice-cream flavours and a pie containing an entire Christmas dinner. We also have a new flavour from Tate & Lyle, a wholegrain spelt from Merchant...

Image source: D. Ataman

Futureproofing the Food System

Will ‘healthy’ iconography help consumers select better options?

By Deniz Ataman

While the FDA is updating its current definition of healthy and exploring voluntary iconography for packaging, the term means many different things to many different people, which could complicate the impact of the icon and product marketing, suggests...

Image source: Getty/Tara Moore

Spilling the tea (and coffee) on natural beverage trends

By Deniz Ataman

The functional and perceived health benefits of tea and coffee paired with their familiarity and diverse usage occasions across dayparts make them ideal platforms for beverage manufacturers to meet consumers’ evolving preferences for indulgence, health...

Coca-Cola showcases Olyns' reverse vending machine at NACS

National Association for Convenience Stores

Coca-Cola showcases Olyns' reverse vending machine at NACS

By Deniz Ataman

Coca-Cola addresses high traffic trash disposal – and by extension stubborn recycling challenges – in c-store locations by featuring Olyns' reverse vending machine that collects and sorts plastic, aluminum and glass packaging during the National...

C-store consumer habits: balancing impulse purchases with nuanced usage occasions

National Association for Convenience Stores

C-store consumer habits: balancing impulse purchases with nuanced usage occasions

By Deniz Ataman

C-stores can attract and retain customers who are looking for a quick and easy meal or snack by offering a variety of fresh and convenient food options, as well as bundling deals that offer discounts on popular products, Kathy Risch SVP, shopper insights...

Tagatose finds a home in lean labeling

Tagatose finds a home in lean labeling

By Deniz Ataman

Despite FDA’s labeling of tagatose as an added sugar, the alternative sweetener’s nutritional and functional benefits continue to generate interest from the food and beverage industry, particularly with lean labels, Jim Kappas, VP specialty ingredients,...

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