Tune into the Consumer Parents' Panel in part one of the FOOD FOR KIDS 2020 virtual summit

How are parents coping with the COVID-19 pandemic in their households when it comes to feeding their kids? Has the extra time spent at home given families more opportunity to cook and experiment with new recipes, or has the anxiety left parents scrambling to get breakfast, lunch and dinner on the table?

Find out today(Wednesday, Oct. 21 at 12 p.m. CST) in the first installment of our FOOD FOR KIDS online series (sign up here).

We open the 60-minute webinar with a presentation from David Lemley, ​founder at Retail Voodoo, who is going to explore: ​

  • How to appeal to parents for specific cohorts/age groups including: babies, tots, kids, tweens and teens.
  • How to understand how each cohort/age group influences purchase decisions and repurchases.
  • How to understand the brand/product stretch and breaking points for each age group
  • How to use this information to develop your brand and brand communications to help drive trial, velocity, and raving fans

We’ll then bring together a panel of moms and dads from Chicago, Florida, and Georgia for a lively video discussion exploring some pain points they experience when it comes to feeding their kids.

Which meals or day parts do parents find the most challenging when it comes to finding something that’s easy, affordable, healthy, AND appealing to feed to their kids? What do they look for – or avoid – on product labels? We’ll also look at how coronavirus and school closures changed cooking habits, food choices, and how and where they shop for food.

Find out more and register for the CONSUMER PARENTS PANEL, and check out our full lineup of free-to-attend events taking place over five consecutive weeks. 

