All news articles for June 2013

Red Bull won’t give runners wings, small-scale study suggests

Red Bull won’t give runners wings, small-scale study suggests


Red Bull energy shots failed to improve the time in which experienced runners completed a 5km run versus a placebo, according to a new, but small-scale US/Australian study claiming to be the first to examine the efficacy of shots rather than energy drinks...

What do consumers mean by 'natural'? And how does it correspond to food companies' idea of 'clean label'?

What do ‘natural’ and ‘clean label’ mean anyway?


Market researchers tell us that consumers are seeking ‘natural’ products more than ever – and ingredient suppliers have responded by providing ways to ‘clean up’ product labels – but what do these terms really mean?

The ability to protect natural pigments via microencapsulation technologies has been a gamechanger in improving their stability, says CHR Hansen

60-second interview: Kurt Seagrist and Byron Madkins, Chr. Hansen

Chr. Hansen: The gap between synthetic and natural colors is closing all the time

Not so long ago the gap between the performance - and price - of natural vs synthetic colors was huge, but more efficient supply chains, advances in extraction technology and more sophisticated microencapsulation techniques have closed the gap considerably...

Annual quinoa producer prices at farm gate in Peru 2000-11 in real terms (2005=100)

FAO asks: Could quinoa become a worldwide staple?


Quinoa’s relatively high price compared to staple grains may restrict consumption to health-conscious consumers in high-income countries for now – but it could play an important role in food security in the long term, according to the FAO.

The CSPI says sucralose will remain in the ‘caution’ category of its food additives guide pending a review of unpublished work by the controversial Italian Ramazzini Institute

Tate & Lyle 'disappointed' by CSPI's note of caution about sucralose

By Elaine WATSON

Tate & Lyle says it is “very disappointed” that the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has removed sucralose from the ‘safe’ category in its guide to food additives on the back of unpublished research from a scientist it claims has been...

FAO praises 38 countries for halving hunger

FAO praises 38 countries for halving hunger

By Shane Starling

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) says better nutrition targets to battle global hunger that affects 870 million people globally are being met in 38 countries.

Maine House backs GMO labeling bill

Maine House backs GMO labeling bill

By Elaine WATSON

The campaign for mandatory GMO labeling gained a further boost this week as the Maine House of Representatives voted 141-4 in favor of LD 718, a bill that would require foods made with ingredients from biotech crops to carry the label ‘Produced with Genetic...

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