Natural sweeteners

Source: Crush Cubes

Crush Cubes offer fresh flavors & convenience in frozen aisle

By Elizabeth Crawford

Fresh ingredients may be the must-have foods of the moment, but they also often require time-consuming prep and can lead to food waste when they come in amounts far exceeding those called for in recipes.Thirty-year food industry veteran Jon Startz has...

New flavors, delivery platforms keep consumers engaged with tea

New flavors, delivery platforms keep consumers engaged with tea

By Elizabeth Crawford

Hoping to build on the momentum driving up sales of tea in the US, manufacturers are offering new flavors and delivery platforms that keep consumers engaged. At Expo East, companies showcased innovated tea bags, ready-to-drink options and even a tea consumers...

Co-founders Shannan Swanson and Liane Weintraub

Making Tasty a household name in kids’ snacks

By Maggie Hennessy

Tasty Brand co-founders Liane Weintraub and Shannan Swanson originally had their sights set on an organic frozen baby food line, but the 2008 economic crash saw the market for premium baby food drying up. So they shifted gears to more seriously pursue...

Could humor be the secret weapon in the GMO debate?

Could humor be the secret weapon in the GMO debate?

By Elaine Watson

Attacking biotech companies and spurning ‘artificial’ ingredients will usually generate some positive PR for your business, even if food scientists wearily point out that there are greater threats to our health - and the planet - than GMOs and dough conditioners...

SVP confident axing aspartame will bring consumers back to Diet Pepsi

'We’re confident that with this change, consumers will come back into the Diet Pepsi franchise'

Pepsi exec: Aspartame is the #1 reason why US consumers say they are drinking less diet cola

By Elaine Watson

To those arguing that replacing one artificial sweetener (aspartame) with another (sucralose) won’t arrest flagging sales of Diet Pepsi, PepsiCo SVP Seth Kaufman told FoodNavigator-USA that consumer research had singled out aspartame – rather that artificial...

Aspartame will be replaced with sucralose

Aspartame has been deemed safe by all major scientific and regulatory bodies

PepsiCo ditches aspartame from Diet Pepsi in US: ‘While decades of studies show aspartame is safe, we recognize that consumer demand is evolving’

By Elaine Watson

While aspartame is safe, many US consumers don’t want it in their cola, said PepsiCo this morning, announcing plans to ditch the much-maligned sweetener from Diet Pepsi, Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi and Wild Cherry Diet Pepsi in the U.S from August.

Dr Pepper invests $15m in minority stake in Bai Brands

Dr Pepper invests $15m in minority stake in Bai Brands

By Elaine Watson

Dr Pepper Snapple Group has invested $15m in a minority stake in Bai Brands, which has generated explosive growth in multiple retail channels with its 'antioxidant infusion' low-calorie Bai5 beverages.

Sugar can be “powerful tool” to improve children’s diet, AAP

Sugar can be “powerful tool” to improve children’s diet, AAP

By Elizabeth Crawford

Added sugar in foods and drinks offers no nutritional benefits and contributes to the obesity epidemic by increasing consumption of empty calories, but it also can help children eat a balanced, nutrient-dense diet, according to the American Academy of...

Caught in the headline headlights! Top 10 stories of 2014


Caught in the headline headlights! Top 10 stories of 2014


As voted for by you the readers - effectively - and checked by us on Google Analytics, here are our Top 10 most read news stories of 2014 – from Constellation Brands attracting the ire of craft brewers to Dr Pepper’s stevia trials.

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