
How can the food industry address type 2 diabetes, prediabetes?

Special edition: Tackling diabetes. Formulating for healthy blood sugar

How can the food industry address the ticking time bomb of type 2 diabetes?

By Elaine WATSON

Given that one in three American adults is expected to develop type 2 diabetes by 2050, and poor diet and lack of exercise may be largely to blame, what can food and beverage manufacturers do to tackle this epidemic?

ProYo high-protein frozen yogurt set for US-wide roll out

ProYo high-protein frozen yogurt set for US-wide roll out


High-protein frozen yogurt ProYo looks set to be rolled out across the US next year, following an “overwhelmingly positive response from the media and brokers” in the six months since its West Coast launch.

Axiom: Rice protein market growth ‘happening now’

Special edition: Amino acids and protein

Axiom: Rice protein market growth ‘happening now’

By Maggie Hennessy

Mounting interest in the benefits of rice protein from the technical and sports nutrition communities alike has turned to increased sales of Axiom Foods’ brown rice protein powder. 

PepsiCo explores smell: the undiscovered drinks frontier...

TOP Packaging expert believes time could be ripe for patented technology

PepsiCo explores smell: the undiscovered drinks frontier...


A top packaging expert suspects the 'timing is coming good' for beverage packaging that encapsulate smells to woo consumers after PepsiCo’s patent filing seeking US protection in this field.

Cronut success spurs flurry of trademark claims

Cronut trademark scramble

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn

Hot new trend? Not so new, says an Ohio baker who claims to have been making doughnut-croissant hybrids since 1991.

Do college students eat like the rest of us?

Do college students eat like the rest of us? GrubHub finds out

By Elaine WATSON

Do college students eat like the rest of us? Broadly yes (washed down by a lot more energy drinks), but there are some notable differences, according to online ordering expert GrubHub, which says students are significantly less likely to place ‘healthier’...

Hybrid algae producer Heliae quietly approaches full scale production

Hybrid algae producer Heliae quietly approaches full scale production

By Hank Schultz

Early stage algae company Heliae has taken a quiet approach to business development.  While the Arizona-based company is close to coming to market with a range of nutraceutical ingredients, not much has been said about them in the marketplace or the press,...

Supersize me! But who is actually ordering those jumbo corn dogs?

Supersize me! But who is actually ordering those jumbo corn dogs?

By Elaine WATSON

With state fair season in full swing and deep-fried Oreos on the menu, online food ordering service GrubHub embarked on a study of ‘extreme foods’ to determine who is ordering jumbo corn dogs and Big Gulps (spoiler alert - it’s men…)

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