Whole grains

Š GettyImages/marekuliasz

New sorghum varieties beat quinoa for protein content

By Niamh Michail

Food manufacturers will soon be able to source sorghum, America's home-grown ancient grain, with a higher (13 to 17%) protein content, opening up new applications in plant-based meats, according to the United Sorghum Checkoff Program.

Study: Kids are eating more whole grains at school than at home

Study: Kids are eating more whole grains at school than at home

By Mary Ellen Shoup

Whole grain consumption among kids (aged 5-19 years) has been steadily increasing over the past 15 years, surpassing whole grain consumption at home, according to research from USDA Economic Research Service (ERS) and the University of Georgia.

Lil Bucks founder: 'I envision being the Quaker Oats of buckwheat'

Lil Bucks founder: 'I envision being the Quaker Oats of buckwheat'

By Mary Ellen Shoup

Claimed to be more versatile than granola and with more antioxidants than many other grains, crunchy sprouted buckwheat by Lil Bucks is introducing buckwheat into more Americans' diets through new distribution with Midwest Whole Foods stores this...

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