FoodNavigator-USA’s Beverage Trends Webinar, a 2020 Vision: Plant-based, CBD Curious, and Clean Energy

FoodNavigator-USA’s Beverage Trends Webinar, a 2020 Vision: Plant-based, CBD Curious, and Clean Energy

From plant-based dairy alternatives and the rise of oatmilk, to CBD-infused beverages and clean energy sources… what are the most bankable, and drinkable, beverage trends impacting the market?

Tune into FoodNavigator-USA’s Beverage Trends 2020 webinar on March 19th where we dive into the emerging beverage categories, the innovation driving these trends, and what consumers are demanding out of their beverages.

We’ve gathered together a combination of market research, retail, and product development expertise for what will be an in-depth panel discussion.

During the FREE-TO-ATTEND 60-minute webinar we’ll cover:

  • What are consumers demanding out of a functional beverage – energy, focus, hydration?
  • How fast is the plant-based dairy alternatives category growing? Can oat milk be as big as almond milk? Will this category turn more functional as time goes on?
  • Where does the market for CBD-infused beverages stand? Who is the target consumer and why are they seeking out drinks containing CBD?
  • What innovations are proving successful within the conventional dairy drinks category?


Chris Fanucchi Chris Fanucchi Co-founder

Holly McHugh Holly McHugh Marketing Associate

Howard Telford Howard Telford Head of Soft Drinks
Euromonitor International

Manny Lubin Manny Lubin Co-Founder
Slate Chocolate Milk

Thomas Hicks Thomas Hicks Chief Growth Officer
Ojai Energetics

Mary Ellen Shoup Mary Ellen Shoup Senior Correspondent