Healthy foods

Source: Whole Grains Council

Oldways Whole Grains Breaking Barriers Conference

Smartphone use among 5 key trends driving interest in healthy eating

By Elizabeth Crawford

Unprecedented access to information about foods through smart phones and social media is a driving factor in consumers’ increasing interest in healthy eating, according to a leading food culture researcher.

“A congress like this is a stimulus for organisations to reassess recommendations...”

Academic: "Anybody who thinks the world’s malnutrition problems are going to be solved without industry is dreaming."

Time for a vitamin E intake rethink? Emerging data builds argument

By Shane Starling from the 3rd World Congress of Public Health Nutrition in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria

Emerging research linking vitamin E deficiency with increased risk of Alzheimer’s, miscarriages and fatty liver disease can contribute to an ongoing debate around recommended intakes, a nutrition congress was told yesterday.

New measures approved by the EU today will mean greater flexibility for EU member states to restrict or ban the cultivation of genetically modified crops in their own territories

EU backs bid for national bans on GM crops

By Nathan Gray

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have voted to allow individual countries within the EU to ban the cultivation of genetically modified food crops on their soil, even if the EU has already approved them for wider cultivation.

Danisco opened the Brabrand R&D centre in 1964. It has become the hub of an R&D network that spans 14 centres worldwide

DuPont: ‘We will launch 4000 products by 2020’


DuPont’s nutrition & health division will play a big part in the launch of 4000 food-related products in the next six years, its chief said as the company celebrated 50 years at its Brabrand base in Aarhus, Denmark yesterday.

Packaged Facts private label maturing

Private label evolving; hindered by still tepid economy

By Maggie Hennessy

Private label growth has slowed from the last several years when consumers flocked to the category due to the recession, according to a report from Packaged Facts. While retailers continue to launch and promote store brand products, a persistently sluggish...

Special K Protein delivers 10 g protein per 22 serving - made possible using wheat gluten, soy protein isolates and added lysine

Dispatches: AACCI annual meeting 2014

Kellogg NPD scientist: Protein has plenty of challenges

By Kacey Culliney

Cereal and plant proteins hold huge potential for breakfast cereal and snack bar fortification but taste and texture remain challenging, say Kellogg’s lead product development scientist.

Sprouted seeds! The meteoric rise of Way Better Snacks

Consumers want to see what you are putting into the product as well as what isn’t in there

The meteoric rise of Way Better Snacks: ‘All-natural’ is all very well, but what really matters is nutrient density

By Elaine Watson

With revenues going from zero to “north of $20m” in three years, the growth of Way Better Snacks has been nothing short of meteoric. But while great branding, its focus on ‘sprouted’ seeds and the CPG experience of its founder & CEO Jim Breen have...

Sugar-sweetened beverages do not easily fit within a healthy diet, says Anderson

Food industry must slash sugar – not just tinker


Food industry ‘tinkering’ with sugar content while foods and drinks remain relatively high in sugar may detract from more basic sugar reduction strategies, warns a public health expert.

Promotions are not delivering for many CPG companies, says Nielsen

Three-quarters of CPG promotions don’t break even, says Nielsen

By Elaine Watson

It’s well-known that many CPG firms feel that they are not getting enough bang for their trade spending bucks. But a recent analysis by Nielsen reveals that most of them are not getting any bang for these bucks, with almost three quarters of promotions...

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