Legislators should focus on assisting dairy farmers shift toward production of alternative proteins, instead of commending the DAIRY PRIDE Act, food awareness organization ProVeg International suggests.
A proposed bill that would invalidate FDA’s recent guidance on plant-based milk alternatives has garnered the support of one of the largest dairy co-ops and opposition from the plant-based foods industry, suggesting a coming showdown on the definition...
America’s dairy organizations are demanding that “dairy imitators” must start complying with federal regulations that require dairy products labeled as 'milk' to contain dairy milk.
Standards of identity are designed to protect consumers, not stifle competition, says GFI
More than 46,000 people have signed a Good Food Institute petition urging Senator Tammy Baldwin and Congressman Peter Welch not to pursue the passage of the Dairy Pride Act, which the GFI argues, is both “anti-competitive” and “unconstitutional.”