
Do emulsifiers increase the risk of diabetes? GettyImages/martin-dm

Do emulsifiers increase the risk of diabetes?

By Donna Eastlake

Emulsifiers are found in a whole range of foods, including yogurts, ice creams, chocolate bars, margarines and even some breads. But could this common food additive increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes?

Peanuts are ticking a lot of consumer boxes. Pic: GettyImages

Why US peanut consumption has hit record highs

By Gill Hyslop

Peanut consumption in the US has hit record levels for the second year in a row – rising to an all-time high of 7.9 pounds (3.5kg) per American in 2021. However, the National Peanut Board (NPB) said the consistent rise of the nut’s popularity is not surprising,...

A higher intake of legumes - and in particular lentils - has been linked to a 35% reduction in type 2 diabetes risk.

Higher consumption slashes risk by 35%

Legumes linked to lower diabetes risk

By Nathan Gray

A higher total intake of legumes is associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes by more than a third, the long-term PREDIMED trial had concluded.


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