Despite a majority (86.5%) of US households reporting they felt food secure for the entirety of 2023, government food assistance programs are critical to ensure the remaining 13.5% (18 million) households have access to healthy foods, according to a USDA...
With House Republicans pushing for significant cuts in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, several House Agriculture Committee members urged additional support and funding to strengthen SNAP within the farm bill reauthorization during a Feb....
US dairies breathed a sigh of relief after an extension to the 2018 Farm Bill was approved last week, but industry insiders are hoping Congress won’t need a full year to pass the new legislation.
The application-based program will deliver two FarmboxRx packages for six months containing a variety of fresh produce and essential pantry items for 200 households. In addition, households will receive information to help them prepare nutritious meals,...
The delegation hosted policymakers, regulators and media on Capitol Hill this week to discuss the future of plant-based ingredients and cell-cultured meat production through “diversified, innovative agricultural tools and foods that utilize technological...
Discussions between FMI – The Food Industry Association’s Government Relations Committee and lawmakers will surround Farm Bill reauthorization, food safety regulations and credit card competition, among others on April 19, 2023.
Does the legislation have legs or is it just for optics? Stakeholders agree the bills are a step in a positive direction, but what impact they will have, if any, is yet to be seen.
Months ago, many may not have even been aware of the existence of this cannabis compound. Today, Delta-8 is the fastest-growing category of hemp products, with US sales of products listing Delta-8 jumping 144% from a year earlier, according to cannabis...
Sparked by proposed US Department of Agriculture regulations that would drastically alter the certification process for industrial hemp, two lawmakers from Oregon want the agency to make several changes before it finalizes rules for the US Domestic Hemp...
Oregon-based Socati has raised $33m in a funding round (following $9m in seed funding) to scale its proprietary separation and extraction technology that ensures a 0.0% level of THC in its full (also referred to as 'broad') spectrum hemp extract.
Twenty-two organic farmers will visit more than 40 lawmakers and national agriculture organizations on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, next week to ensure new and existing legislators understand the economic benefits of organic, the challenges the industry...
Public health advocates are lauding the $876bn Farm Bill passed by an overwhelming majority of the Senate on Tuesday for rejecting controversial proposals in the House version of the bill that would have significantly curtailed access to the nation’s...
New research reveals most Americans believe the government is “doing a poor job across the board on food and ag policy,” and should do more to ensure everyone has access to enough healthy food and to support the farmers who feed the country.