Will big food companies increasingly buy in innovation and serve as scale up platforms for more 'authentic' small brands they didn’t create, or can they make their legacy brands resonate with new generations of consumers? Here’s what we learned...
Consuming Nawgan, the ‘alertness beverage’ containing citicoline and caffeine, can boost attention and alertness in young adults, according to results of a randomized clinical trial.
Memory, attention and focus, development, mood; there are numerous ways that a nutrient or ingredient can affect cognitive health. But which have the most science, how do they work, and how are they performing in the market. Check out our gallery of the...
The preference of fat or sweet foods amongst obese adults is equal,
and more related to personality type and eating behaviour than
gender, suggests new research from Sweden.
A new study on the functioning of the human brain provides
scientific evidence for what food manufacturers have long known:
the more appealing the presentation of a product, the more
consumers are likely to enjoy it.
Evidence continues to mount suggesting the benefits of moderate
drinking to overall health with a new study on over 4,000 older
women finding a daily drink could sharpen the mind.