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Blow to the egg industry

Blow to the egg industry

The safety of chicken eggs has been challenged by a UK
environmental pressure group, just weeks after figures showing the
lowest levels of Salmonella in years were published. The Soil
Association claims that as many as one in eight...

Folate fights the blues

Folate fights the blues

Evidence continues to mount suggesting a link between various
stages of depression and low blood levels of the B vitamin folate,
according to research funded by the Agricultural Research Service
in the US.

ISP buys into UK encapsulation

ISP buys into UK encapsulation

US hydrocolloid firm International Specialty Products (ISP)
continues to consolidate its position in the ingredients sector
announcing the acquisition of UK ingredients company Hallcrest. In
March this year the ambitious company acquired...

Fish processors tackle ads

Fish processors tackle ads

Major processors of canned tuna in the US have described a recent
ad campaign by environmental activists as being "an
irresponsible and highly inflammatory tactic" that will scare
consumers away from what they call a safe...

Teens need a calcium boost

Teens need a calcium boost

New research appears to absolve the soft drinks industry from
responsibility for the low calcium intake among US adolescents but
it suggests that creative and effective ways of increasing levels
of the mineral, such as through fortified...

Naples explores walnuts

Naples explores walnuts

Walnuts, one of the oldest food ingredients known to mankind, are
the focus of an upcoming symposium organised by Europe that will
aim to bridge the gap between scientific, technical and user
communities. Opportunities for growth...

Danisco seals Chinese deal

Danisco seals Chinese deal

Danish sugar and ingredients firm Danisco closes on its xanthan gum
production deal in China, consolidating the firm's stabiliser
presence in this emerging market. Just days after the firm posted a
weaker third quarter as higher...

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