
FDA to examine front of pack labeling claims

FDA to examine front of pack labeling claims

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will consider using its regulatory tools if front of pack nutrition labeling is not used in a common, credible way, it said in a letter to industry on Tuesday.

Soda tax: A lot of froth over freedom

Soda tax: A lot of froth over freedom

Is taxing soda really an evil plan to curb your individual freedom? Conspiracy theories aside, perhaps it’s simply a sensible scheme to tackle obesity when personal choice has failed.

Healthy foods top CSPI’s risk list

Healthy foods top CSPI’s risk list

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has released a list of the ten riskiest FDA-regulated foods, claiming that it should serve as a further call to overhaul the US food safety system.

Bad day at the EU health claims office

Bad day at the EU health claims office

October 1 was not a good day for many in the functional foods and food supplements business in the European Union as the meaning of life under a highly restrictive health claims regime came more into focus.

The benefits of a probiotic witch hunt

The benefits of a probiotic witch hunt

Get your pitchforks ready! There are evil-doers out there! We’ve been conned: Probiotics don’t work. Dannon’s settling out of court, EFSA’s rejecting health claims, and the media is starting a witch hunt.

Are health claims curbing freedom of speech?

Are health claims curbing freedom of speech?

The US FDA is being sued over its health claims regime – actions that are unlikely to succeed according to most pundits – but they raise serious questions about healthy food messaging and free speech that are being felt globally.

France approves high Reb A stevia sweeteners

France approves high Reb A stevia sweeteners

By Jess Halliday

The French government has approved the use of stevia sweeteners with 97 per cent purity rebaudioside A (Reb A), officially opening up the first EU market for products containing the much-anticipated ingredient.

Can a ‘fat tax’ on soda help beat obesity?

Talking point

Can a ‘fat tax’ on soda help beat obesity?

The controversial idea of taxing sugary soft drinks to combat obesity has been brought up again this week in a report from the Institute of Medicine. But is a soda tax fair? And can it do enough?

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