
Sugar-sweetened beverages do not easily fit within a healthy diet, says Anderson

Food industry must slash sugar – not just tinker


Food industry ‘tinkering’ with sugar content while foods and drinks remain relatively high in sugar may detract from more basic sugar reduction strategies, warns a public health expert.

PepsiCo CEO, Q3, 2014, Our innovation is becoming more durable

PepsiCo CEO: ‘Our innovation is becoming more durable’

By Elaine Watson

If you’ve got enough money - and clout - it’s not hard to make a big splash with a new product launch in year one. The real test comes in years two, three and four. And PepsiCo is proving that its innovations are still delivering after the initial hype...

PepsiCo’s Indra Nooyi slams ‘discriminatory’ soda tax proposals


PepsiCo’s Indra Nooyi slams ‘discriminatory’ soda tax proposals


PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi has attacked November ballots in San Francisco and Berkeley that will ask city residents to approve increased taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages and sweeteners used to sweeten such drinks.

Promotions are not delivering for many CPG companies, says Nielsen

Three-quarters of CPG promotions don’t break even, says Nielsen

By Elaine Watson

It’s well-known that many CPG firms feel that they are not getting enough bang for their trade spending bucks. But a recent analysis by Nielsen reveals that most of them are not getting any bang for these bucks, with almost three quarters of promotions...

The Future Market from Studio Industries

The Future Market: What will food shopping be like in 2065?

By Elaine Watson

The IFT's FutureFood 2050 initiative has started a fascinating conversation about what we might be eating in the future. But what will food shopping be like? Will supermarkets as we know them today still exist or will we get all of our groceries...

Sanford Bernstein: “We would have expected inflated sales considering the ‘novelty factor’ surrounding the launch of this new product line extension.

'The feedback we received appears to be merely satisfactory or mixed'

Coca-Cola Life off to 'lackluster' start in the US, says analyst

By Elaine Watson

Initial feedback suggests the US debut of Coca-Cola Life has been “lackluster”, with staff in some of the first stores to feature the product reporting “satisfactory” sales, but nothing to set the world on fire, says Ali Dibadj, senior analyst at Sanford...

Are you getting enough bang for your trade spending bucks?

More than half of CPG firms say their trade spending programs are 'ineffective'

Are you getting enough bang for your trade spending bucks? No, say CPG firms

By Elaine Watson

It will probably not surprise food & beverage CEOs to learn that most CPG firms responded with a resounding ‘NO’ when asked in a recent survey if they were getting a decent bang for their trade spending bucks. But why is there so much frustration?

So Häagen-Dazs ‘says no to synbio’?

So Häagen-Dazs ‘says no to synbio’?

By Elaine Watson

When it comes to reporting the position of some of the world’s biggest food companies on genetically engineered foods, Friends of the Earth, it seems, has been engaging in some pretty creative PR ‘engineering’ of its own.

Bottled water co Nirvana Inc files unfair competition lawsuit v Nestlé

Nestlé offered stores financial incentives to stop carrying rival's products, claims lawsuit

Nestlé Waters North America engaged in ‘deceptive, fraudulent and predatory behavior’ says Nirvana Inc in unfair competition lawsuit

By Elaine Watson

Nestlé Waters North America engaged in “deceptive, fraudulent and predatory behavior” in a bid to drive a small competitor out of business, alleges New York-based Nirvana Inc in a lawsuit accusing the world’s biggest bottled water company of illegal anti-competitive...

Is the term 'all-natural' still resonating with consumers?

Natural vs organic: What’s the difference, and do shoppers care?

By Elaine Watson

How clean is your label, and who decides - plaintiff's attorneys or Whole Foods Market? Are ‘all-natural’ claims still resonating with consumers or are other on-pack cues more important? And do shoppers understand the difference between natural and...

Pinnacle Foods addresses trade spending dilemma

Analyst: Top CPG firms not delivering on innovation, falling back into promotional trap

Pinnacle Foods boss: ‘We’re looking at this industry right now as very much a zero sum game. We're not seeing growth in total’

By Elaine Watson

As several CEOs have recently observed, big brands are not getting so much bang for their promotional buck these days. But in the current climate, targeted trade spending is a must to retain market share, although other strategies must be pursued in the...

Picture by Daniel Lobo, flickr

Vermont AG: 'Natural' labels do not belong on foods made with GMOs

First Amendment challenge to Vermont GMO labeling law does not stand up, claims state AG

By Elaine Watson

Vermont’s new GMO labeling law (Act 120) does not violate the First Amendment because the disclosures it mandates are “purely factual” and the law “does not require manufacturers to state a particular viewpoint, such as whether GE foods are good or bad”,...

Boulder Brands on GMOs, gluten-free & the rise of EVOL

Retailers are going to reduce the space given to legacy brands

Boulder Brands: Large-cap 'legacy' food & beverage brands face 'Armageddon'

By Elaine Watson

Leading CPG companies are like huge ships that cannot change course quickly enough to address evolving consumer trends, claims the boss of Boulder Brands (which owns the Udi’s Gluten-Free, Earth Balance and EVOL brands). But unless they make some bold...

The proposals to revise the Nutrition Facts panel mark the biggest change to food labeling regs in 20 years

New labels would highlights calories, include 'added sugars'

Special edition - Nutrition Facts revamp: Radical overhaul or a missed opportunity?

By Elaine Watson

UPDATED: Significant changes to the Nutrition Facts panel on foods & beverages have been proposed in the US and Canada, with the plan to include ‘added sugars’ tweak rules on dietary fiber labeling, and update the reference values used to calculate...

Clemmy's CEO: 'Pay to play' slotting deals penalize small players

Ice cream co engaged in ‘David & Goliath’ lawsuit vs Nestlé alleging unfair competition

Ice cream co in ‘David & Goliath’ lawsuit v Nestlé: Is it time for a rethink about the way shelf-space is allocated in US supermarkets?

By Elaine Watson

As Kraft’s CEO recently observed, smaller, more agile players seem to be better at coming up with exciting new products than many CPG giants, for whom innovation is often more about trade management than addressing genuine consumer needs. But if this...

Should added sugars be listed on the Nutrition Facts panel?

Sugar is sugar, say bakers, our bodies don't distinguish between 'naturally occurring' and 'added' varieties

Should ‘added sugars' be listed on the Nutrition Facts panel?

By Elaine Watson

A row is brewing over the merits of including ‘added sugars’ on the Nutrition Facts panel, with critics arguing that our bodies don’t distinguish between ‘naturally occurring’ and ‘added’ sugar - and neither should food labels - and supporters saying...

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