
Professor David Kessler says the FDA needs to look beyond the Nutrition Facts label

Proposals don't consider a product's overall nutritional value, says professor

Former FDA commissioner: Nutrition Facts overhaul doesn’t go far enough

By Elaine Watson

FDA proposals to overhaul the Nutrition Facts panel on food labels are “strong” and “likely to make an important contribution”, says former FDA commissioner David Kessler, M.D. “But I believe they don't go far enough.”

Why do we waste so much food, and what can we do about it?

Why do we waste so much food, and what can we do about it?

By Elaine Watson

Americans don’t eat a third of the food they produce. But while this shocking statistic might alarm consumers, many still don’t see themselves as part of the problem, and mistakenly believe that food waste is less damaging to the environment than other...

Time for a rethink on saturated fat?

Special edition: Oils & fats

Time for a rethink on saturated fat?

By Elaine Watson

If the cover of TIME magazine earlier this month (headline: Eat Butter) is anything to go by, it would seem that the conversation about fat, and saturated fat in particular, is changing, at least in the media. But are policymakers sitting up and taking...

IFT 2014: Chefs! Is it time to proudly serve GMOs on your table?

IFT 2014: Chefs! Is it time to proudly serve GMOs on your table?

By Elaine Watson

You'd think that pro-science,'molecular gastronomists' such as Chef Homaru Cantu would be all in favor of genetically engineered foods, especially if they can add nutrition, or reduce the environmental impact of food production, right?...

FDA probe threw 'wet blanket' over caffeinated food trend, but consumers still crave energy, says Datamonitor

FDA probe threw 'wet blanket' over caffeinated food trend, but consumers still crave energy, says Datamonitor

By Elaine Watson

The flow of caffeinated foods hitting the US market “slowed to a trickle” after Wrigley pulled its Alert Energy gum in the wake of the FDA probe into caffeine, says Datamonitor. But it’s too early to write off this trend just yet, as consumers still crave...

CPG innovators are demotivated and frustrated, reveals Affinova survey

Why are so many CPG innovators frustrated and demotivated?

By Elaine Watson

Many people developing new products at CPG companies feel frustrated and demotivated according to a new survey, which probably comes as no surprise given the high failure rate in the trade. But looking at what firms that produce more winners have in common...

GMOs are not the answer, just because organic isn’t perfect

Guest article: Steven Hoffman, managing director, Compass Natural

GUEST ARTICLE: GMOs are not the answer, just because organic isn’t perfect

By Steven Hoffman

Pointing out problems and flaws in organic farming and certification is constructive in that they need to be addressed. But using the imperfections of the organic production system to defend why GMOs are a preferred way to produce food - as Mischa Popoff...

GUEST ARTICLE: Phantom menace of GMOs keeps organic industry off target

Guest article: Mischa Popoff, author, Is it Organic?

GUEST ARTICLE: Phantom menace of GMOs keeps organic industry off target

By Mischa Popoff

I worked for five years as a USDA-contract organic inspector after growing up on an organic grain farm in Saskatchewan. I had the pleasure of inspecting over 500 organic farms and processors, but I began questioning this career path when I realized the...

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