European Union

Could sugarcane super crop cut cost of sugar? GettyImages/AlexandraFlorian

Could sugarcane super crop cut cost of sugar?

By Donna Eastlake

The cost of sugar has increased sharply in recent years. Now researchers believe gene editing could boost supplies. But how, and what does this mean for manufacturers?

Food safety recall round-up

Food safety recall round-up 21-27 April 2017

Recalls: Arsenic, aflatoxin and allergens

By Joseph James Whitworth

Food alerts have been made by USA, England, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Canada, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Denmark and Switzerland.

Obama administration threatening sanctions against EU over beef ban ©iStock

US reignites trade battle with EU over beef imports

By Louis Gore-Langton

US trade representatives have heeded calls from the country’s meat industry to act on ‘unfair and discriminatory’ rules on US beef imports to the EU – threatening to reopen a 20 year dispute and put sanctions on European products.

Price squeeze: 'Marmitegate' reveals new food chain tensions in the post-Brexit world. ©jesshalliday

Brexit bites: Marmite maul will spread far beyond Unilever-Tesco

By David Burrows

The spat between Marmite-maker Unilever and supermarket Tesco has made many of the front pages in the UK this morning, but this spreads much further than these two gorillas of the world’s grocery industry. SMEs could be hardest hit. 

'People will pay more for food. The British people have voted to raise the food prices,' says professor Tim Lang. Photo: iStock

Brexit Briefings: Interview

What are Britain's post-Brexit options and how will it impact industry?

By Niamh Michail

Rising food prices, watered-down safety standards, food law dictated by big businesses and a disastrous impact on public health. Professor in food policy Tim Lang looks at the options of a post-Brexit UK but sees little light at the end of the channel...

Photo: iStock


Britain votes to leave the EU: What now?

By Niamh Michail

Britain has voted to leave the European Union and Prime Minister David Cameron has resigned as a result. Across Europe and the UK, the food industry is coming to terms with the outcome.

Glyphosate is unlikely to cause cancer, says EFSA

Glyphosate is unlikely to cause cancer, says EFSA

By Niamh Michail

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has concluded that glyphosate, a herbicide used on food crops, is unlikely to cause cancer and recommends raising safety levels.

 Ahold to acquire Delhaize

Ahold to acquire Delhaize

Dutch retailer Ahold, which operates the Stop&Shop and Giant banners in the US, has unveiled plans to acquire Belgian rival Delhaize Group, which runs the Food Lion and Hannaford chains in the US.

The previous status quo allowed crops to be grown anywhere in Europe following EU approval, although only one GM crop, Monsanto maize variety MON810, is grown commercially in the EU.

Member states back national bans for GM crops


EU member states have voted to allow national governments to ban or restrict cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops even when approved at EU level, meaning the new rules will be written into law.

'It’s not all black in Europe. The regulators are learning about probiotics and the benefits,' Swedish company says

Media investment means US probiotic growth outpacing EU

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

US probiotic market growth has been bolstered by big media investment, something yet to be seen in the EU, according to the Swedish firm Probi which just secured its largest transatlantic order to date.

New measures approved by the EU today will mean greater flexibility for EU member states to restrict or ban the cultivation of genetically modified crops in their own territories

EU backs bid for national bans on GM crops

By Nathan Gray

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have voted to allow individual countries within the EU to ban the cultivation of genetically modified food crops on their soil, even if the EU has already approved them for wider cultivation.

JBS is hoping the acquisition will aid progress in its overseas strategy

JBS Foods confirms Brazilian poultry acquisition

By Georgi Gyton

JBS Foods has signed a deal with Brazilian poultry firm Céu Azul Alimentos to acquire two processing plants in Guapiaçu and Itapetininga, Paulo, for approximately BRL$246m ($110m).

EU, US request for food security data sparks trade row with India


EU, US request for food security data sparks trade row with India

By RJ Whitehead

The US and EU have called on the World Trade Organisation to make the provision of full information on India’s food subsidy programme a precondition before they can begin negotiations on how to tackle the issue of legitimising food procurement subsidies.

Jarrow Rogovin calls for probiotics groups to come together to build science and win claims

Live from Probiota 2014

IPA calls for fresh global alliance in probiotics

By Shane Starling in Amsterdam

The founder of the International Probiotics Association (IPA) has called on the Global Alliance for Probiotics (GAP) to work with it to develop the science and dossiers that can win health claims in Europe and elsewhere.

EU investigates Paraguay beef human rights claims

EU investigates Paraguay beef human rights claims

By Pacifica Goddard

The European Commission is currently looking into claims made by the tribal rights non-governmental organisation (NGO) Survival International, regarding alleged human rights violations by a company producing Paraguayan beef.


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