
Vegetarian market for kids

Vegetarian market for kids

By Sarah Hills

A new survey which offers an estimate on the number of vegetarian children in the US highlights a potential emerging market for those on an ‘ethical diet’ needing alternative sources of protein.

Organic meat on the menu

Organic meat on the menu

A new report suggests that competition in the European organic meat
industry is increasing, as the market begins to suffer from
overcapacity. This follows another report that linked the
popularity of organic meat in North America...

Is organic meat the future?

Is organic meat the future?

Public concern over BSE outbreaks is set to boost sales of organic
meat products in North America, according to a new report. But
North Americans have not historically been as influenced by food
scares as their European counterparts.

Blow to the egg industry

Blow to the egg industry

The safety of chicken eggs has been challenged by a UK
environmental pressure group, just weeks after figures showing the
lowest levels of Salmonella in years were published. The Soil
Association claims that as many as one in eight...

COOL a hot issue again

COOL a hot issue again

The current BSE crisis in the US has touched numerous industries
and ignited countless issues. One of these topics that the crisis
has brought back to life has been the simmering feud over
country-of-origin labelling of beef and other...


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