Soft Drinks

The art of soft drinks: Euromonitor charts world consumption trends


The art of soft drinks: Euromonitor charts world consumption trends

By Ben Bouckley

Speaking to at InterBev in Las Vegas, Euromonitor International analysts Claire Moulin and Jonas Feliciano characterize the world’s shifting taste in soft drinks in art history terms.

Most Americans oppose soda tax, survey suggests

Most Americans oppose soda tax, survey suggests

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Most Americans do not support taxes on sugar-sweetened drinks, according to the results of a new survey published in the journal Public Health Nutrition.

Are calories from sugar-sweetened soft drinks 'empty' calories?

Dispatches from the ADA 2011 conference

Are sugary drinks making us fat?

By Elaine Watson

The row about the relationship between sugary drink consumption and spiraling obesity took center stage at the American Dietetic Association (ADA) conference this week with two academics going head to head on one of the most controversial areas of nutrition...

Is healthy food more expensive than junk food?

Is healthy food more expensive than junk food?

By Elaine Watson

New research into food prices shows that unhealthy options are not always more affordable, although the relative cheapness of soft drinks, refined grains and starchy veg vs healthier alternatives means Americans “may have an economic incentive to consume...

Can a ‘fat tax’ on soda help beat obesity?

Talking point

Can a ‘fat tax’ on soda help beat obesity?

The controversial idea of taxing sugary soft drinks to combat obesity has been brought up again this week in a report from the Institute of Medicine. But is a soda tax fair? And can it do enough?

Working at self-regulation

Weekly comment

Working at self-regulation

By Ahmed ElAmin

Self-regulation has become the mantra of food groups who argue that
laws are not always necessary - but can industry be trusted when it
has failed so spectacularly in the past?


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