
HVP recall continues – but far smaller than feared

HVP recall continues – but far smaller than feared

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Two more products have been recalled due to the possibility that they may contain salmonella-tainted hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP) from Basic Food Flavors – but fears of a large-scale recall have proved unfounded.

Basic Food Flavors denies wrongdoing in HVP recall

Basic Food Flavors denies wrongdoing in HVP recall

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Basic Food Flavors, the company behind the ongoing HVP recall, has broken its media silence, denying allegations that the company knew its products contained salmonella but distributed them anyway.

The HVP recall: Damage control déjà vu

The HVP recall: Damage control déjà vu

Not again! It emerged last week that Basic Food Flavors, the company behind the ongoing HVP recall, knew its products were tainted with salmonella but carried on shipping them anyway. Déjà vu anyone?

HVP recall expands to Canada

HVP recall expands to Canada

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has recalled products manufactured in Canada, after it emerged they contained recalled hydrolyzed vegetable protein from a salmonella-tainted facility in the US.

Vegetarian market for kids

Vegetarian market for kids

By Sarah Hills

A new survey which offers an estimate on the number of vegetarian children in the US highlights a potential emerging market for those on an ‘ethical diet’ needing alternative sources of protein.