
USDA calls for bids to supply Greek Yogurt Pilot Program

USDA calls for bids to supply Greek Yogurt Pilot Program


The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is inviting bids from vendors to supply the Greek Yogurt Pilot Program, which will trial Greek and other protein-rich yogurt products on school lunch menus in New York, Idaho, Tennessee and Arizona.

The ability to protect natural pigments via microencapsulation technologies has been a gamechanger in improving their stability, says CHR Hansen

60-second interview: Kurt Seagrist and Byron Madkins, Chr. Hansen

Chr. Hansen: The gap between synthetic and natural colors is closing all the time

Not so long ago the gap between the performance - and price - of natural vs synthetic colors was huge, but more efficient supply chains, advances in extraction technology and more sophisticated microencapsulation techniques have closed the gap considerably...

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